Trademark Protection: We offer exclusive trademark protection services through forming a partnership with prospective brands and companies that are looking to grow their business on 3rd party ecommerce platforms.
AI-Powered Service: We use our AI-Powered data analytic tools and experiences to provide all-inclusive feedbacks to how we can help grow your business.
Collaborative Partnerships: Our partners are family to us and we treat them with great care. We share resources and help bring new products to customers while constantly improving existing product lines.
Distribution: Through establishing partnerships with our partners and building long-term relationships, we buy your products and distribute them to customers to help you grow your business at an exclusive rate.
Inventory Management:We manage all our partners inventory in-house and control the quality of customer experience. We monitor your sales performance to keep your in-stock and protect your brand from malicious attacks.
Risk management: Our team provides comprehensive monthly risk assessment and provide you with full transparency so you can have the control.
Prices: Using our AI-powered re-pricer to analyze market trends and customer demands, we price accordingly to maximize your return.
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Important Notice:
Please be advised that this website operates as a wholesale partner and is not affiliated with CGN's official website.